Taste Australia

Taste Australia

  • Native Tea Blenders Kit | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop
    Taste Australia

    Native Tea Blenders kit

    Native Tea Blenders Kit contains 15 different berry or leaf bush herbs (4 to 8 grams of each from the following selection) Aniseed MyrtleCinnamon MyrtleJilunginLemon MyrtleLemon Scented Tea...
    $35.00 (Inc. GST)
    $35.00 (Ex. GST)
  • Native Thyme | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop Native Thyme | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop
    Taste Australia

    Native Thyme Flakes

     Native Thyme/ Native Sage (Prosanthera Incisa) Not like Mediterranean Thyme, this has a complex flavour based on mint. Try it as a baked potato spice, a red meat rub or BBQ marinade...
    $6.82 - $339.72 (Inc. GST)
    $6.82 - $339.72 (Ex. GST)
  • Paperbark | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop Paperbark | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop
    Taste Australia


    Melaleuca quinquenervia (Broad-leaved paperbark) Imparts a delicate smoky flavour. Hand cut, flat sheet.   (listed weight is the shipping weight)    Use as a display for...
    $37.50 (Inc. GST)
    $37.50 (Ex. GST)
  • Peppermint Gum powder Peppermint Gum
    Taste Australia

    Peppermint Gum

    (Eucalyptus dives) Broad-Leaf Peppermint Gum  is a small tree native to south eastern  Australia. The leaves have been used as a flavouring since colonial times, especially in...
    $3.77 - $157.00 (Inc. GST)
    $3.77 - $157.00 (Ex. GST)
  • air dried quandong Quandong  (Air Dried)
    Taste Australia

    Quandong (Air Dried)

    Air dried quandong halves   (Australia's Wild Peach).  100gm Reconstitutes to approx 500gm when soaked in water.  Quandong fruit can be dried and frozen for 8 years or more,...
    $22.05 - $338.68 (Inc. GST)
    $22.05 - $338.68 (Ex. GST)
  • quandong seed quandong seed
    Taste Australia

    Quandong seed for planting

    If you'd like to grow your own Quandong tree then these seeds are viable for planting as they are from last season. 100gm packet Quandong trees are perennial and frost hardy.  They grow to a...
    $7.00 (Inc. GST)
    $6.36 (Ex. GST)
  • Quandong Seed | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop Quandong Seed | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop
    Taste Australia

    Quandong Seeds (mixed sizes)

    100gm packets of Quandong seeds (mixed sizes)  for eating, planting or for craft.   Sizes available for craft: 13mm and under 14-16 mm 17+mm Use to make quandong flour: Crack the...
    $8.00 (Inc. GST)
    $8.00 (Ex. GST)
  • River Mint | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop River Mint | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop
    Taste Australia

    River Mint

    This rambling mint bush is found across south eastern Australia in moist forests and around waterways. This is a subtle Australian native herb with the taste and aroma of spearmint and pepper...
    $5.89 - $257.20 (Inc. GST)
    $5.89 - $257.20 (Ex. GST)
  • Rosella and Strawberry Gum Teea
    Taste Australia

    Rosella & Strawberry Gum Tea

    Rosella and Strawberry Gum Tea 50gm (makes approx 2-3 litres) 3 cups water (boiling) 1 packet Rosella and Strawberry Gum Tea 3/4 cup sugar or sugar substitute (adjust the amount to suit) 6 cups...
    $6.95 (Inc. GST)
    $6.95 (Ex. GST)
  • rosella flower tea flakes
    Taste Australia

    Rosella Flower Flakes

    Rosella flower flakes  NOTE: a kg of fresh flowers yields approx 44gm dried flakes Most commonly known for its use in champagne.  It works well in either sweet or savoury dishes and goes...
    $4.15 - $102.00 (Inc. GST)
    $4.15 - $102.00 (Ex. GST)
  • salt bush | Taste Australia Bush Food Shop Saltbush
    Taste Australia


     Old Man Saltbush is a familiar sight over vast areas in the dry inland of Australia. In some areas of outback NSW lamb are enclosed in paddocks of saltbush for their final three months...
    $5.13 - $189.44 (Inc. GST)
    $5.13 - $189.44 (Ex. GST)
  • Saltbush seed
    Taste Australia

    Saltbush Seed

    Saltbush Seed  Traditionally used in baking, where they were ground and added to dampers, it has a soft texture with a salty herb flavour and contains 14% protein. Add to your bread mix or...
    $4.72 - $152.98 (Inc. GST)
    $4.72 - $152.98 (Ex. GST)