Burdekin Plum
Posted by Malynka on 27th Jun 2016
A native tree in our rainforests which yield a maroon coloured fruit. A close relative of the mango but with a completely different texture and certainly lacking the sweetness. Needs to be…
Bush Tomato Pasta Sauce
Posted by Malynka on 24th Jun 2016
Cook half a roughly diced onion in a saucepan on low heat with a little oil for 3-5 minutes until soft and little colour.Add 2 cloves finely chopped garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes stirring re…
Wattleseed Icecream
Posted by Malynka on 23rd Jun 2016
Easy Wattleseed Icecream.For each litre of premium vanilla ice cream use 2 teaspoons of roasted ground wattleseed.Put the wattleseed into a cup and just cover with boiling water. This will swell the w…
Mail theft
Posted by Malynka on 23rd Jun 2016
Our domestic parcels are covered by transit insurance. The allocated tracking number can be monitored via auspost.com.au and/or you can use your MyPost account to let Auspost know how and where…
Finger Limes
Posted by Malynka on 12th Jan 2016
Finger Limes are loaded with vitamin C and lots of antioxidants, B vitamins for good mood, potassium cardiovascular health, and they help with inflammation. Studies show that eating citrus like kumqua…